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You're standing in front of me,

You're struggling to express yourself in the language you've learned... 

Oh, poor thing!

But honestly, your words don't matter to me. 


What are you experiencing? 

What are you feeling? 

How does it get trapped in your body?

 How does it spill out? 


Your tongue moves, touching your palate and lips. 

Is what passes in that moment really

 conveyed through words ?

What is carried to me by the way your tongue, 

lips, eyes, hands, and chest move with your soul?


I find myself drifting off while watching people, 

searching for their soul in their limbs   

I know they’re calling out to me from there. 


A soul, wrapped in skeleton and skin, stirs and calls out: "Hello!"


In this project, I view the body's limbs in communication as fragments of the soul, 

flung with emotions, and I portray them as such.

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